SWIMMING POOLS - What are the opening times?
When do aquatic complexes open?
Opening dates vary from one resort to another.
Find out more below:
- Les Tamaris & Portes du Soleil (Portiragnes): heated pool with paddling pool open from 5 April 2025 at Portes du Soleil, until 31 October 2025. This area remains open until the end of September. The complex with slides and balneo (Tamaris side) is open from 1 June to 30 September 2025.
- L'Ecrin du Lac (Chorges): pool and paddling pool open from 1 June 2025 until mid-September (weather dependent).
- Les Mûriers (Vendres): the entire water park (heated pool, slides, paddling pool) opens mid-April. In 2025, the opening date is set for 19 April.
- Le Clos des Oliviers (Vidauban): the full aquatic complex (balneo, heated pool, slides, paddling pool) opens with the domain (April) and remains open from 5 April 2025 until the end of September.