SWIMMING POOLS - What are the opening times?
When do aquatic complexes open?
Opening dates vary from one resort to another.
Find out more below:
- Les Tamaris & Portes du Soleil (Portiragnes): heated pool and paddling pool open from April 1. This area remains open until the end of September. The toboggan and balneo complex (on the Tamaris side) opens in July and August.
- L'Ecrin du Lac (Chorges): pool and paddling pool open from mid-June to mid-September.
- Les Muriers (Vendres): the entire aquatic complex (heated pool, slides, paddling pool) opens at the beginning of May. In 2024, the opening date is set for Saturday April 27.
- Le Clos des Oliviers (Vidauban): the entire aquatic complex (balneo, heated pool, slides, paddling pool) opens at the estate's grand opening (April) and remains open throughout the season until the end of September.