How do I keep up to date with all the special offers from L’Ami Soleil?
To keep informed about all our offers and promotions, register with the Privilege Card!
To keep informed about all our offers and promotions, register with the Privilege Card!
Please send your CV along with a photo and covering letter to the following e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your booking will be considered as confirmed as soon as we receive your deposit. Following receipt of this deposit, confirmation will be automatically sent to you be e-mail or by post.
L’Ami Soleil continually offers discounts going from 5% to 20% (subject to terms and conditions). They are not valid for specific periods.
We do not offer an additional discount for “Fast Booking Discount” or “Junior/Senior Discount” for our holiday centres in France, but we do for those in Belgium (see our special offers).